Hi my name is Laura Walker. I live in the North San Diego County. I am a military wife, and we have one 3 year old boy, and one on the way. I began to coupon about two years ago. I started noticing that my local Commissary had coupons cut out on a table. I began to just walk by it and grab a few. At first I did everything wrong. I would first load my cart, and then head to the table and grab the coupons I wanted. Even sometimes, I would just buy items just because I had a coupon. Now, a much better coupon user, and a pro at organizing my coupons, I am able to save my family hundreds of dollars every month. I haven't paid for certain products like, toothpaste, shampoo, razors, and much more.
I recently began this blog, so I'm quite new at it. But I intend to master this blog thing pretty soon.
Hope you enjoy!!