If you are interested in couponing, here's a guide to help you get started:
Where to find Coupons:
* Newspapers* There are about three different booklets that contain grocery coupons. Smart Source, Redplum, & Proctor and Gamble. We usually call these inserts. The Smart Source and Redplum are given out almost every week, in Sunday's paper. Proctor & Gamble is given out on a monthly basis. Where to buy : Newspaper machines ($1.50), Dollar Tree ($1.00) , Cvs (around $1.25), and the best method...Newspaper Subscription..(as low as 38 cents per Sunday paper) That is my favorite way to get my paper!!! I recommend getting 1 newspaper for every person in your family. Its great when you get a coupon for a free item, but even better when you get more than one. Plus sometimes, certain deals require more than one of the same coupon.
*Magazines* Certain magazines often have coupons that are pretty valuable. One of my favorite magazines that has alot of coupons is ALL YOU magazine.. It is only sold at Walmart. Every month they have close to $100 worth of coupons. All You website allows you to see what coupons are coming in their next issue, and I also recommend subscribing . They are sold for around $1.99, but cheaper if you subscribe. Try to search Discount magazines, in order to get a super good deal.
*In store* Look out for coupons that stores put on their shelves. Sometimes even products have coupons stuck on them, and most people don't notice it until they paid already.
*Online* Websites like, Smart Source, Red Plum, have many coupons that you can print right from their website. Also, If you notice you buy the same package of cookies, well, go straight to the manufacture's website, and often times than not, they will have coupons. Some require you to sign up for their newsletter, which allows them to send you information via email. Most might be afraid of spam, and I don't get millions of emails, but I do get nice valuable coupons from time to time. Its worth it. If possible, set up a seperate email account for just your newsletter, or coupon related emails.
How to Organize your coupons:
There are several ways you can store and organize your coupons.
Here are some examples:
*Envelope Method*
Most people do this type of filing system. They browse the inserts, clip the coupons they may need that week, and toss the rest of the insert. Coupons are usually just stored in an envelope.
*Whole Insert Method*
This is convenient for busy people who do not want to take hours clipping every single coupon, but who also want to save their coupons for later use. What they do is they date the insert on the front of the page. The insert is put in a filing box, or basket, or anything that works. Whenever a deal appears, the coupon is searched just by knowing the date and name of insert. For example: If cereal is on sale, and you need a coupon in SS 1/9, you will go to your whole inserts and spot the January 9th inserts, and quickly spot the Smart Source insert. There!! now you can look for your coupon.
*Box Method*
You need a shoe box, or anything that suits you. Ive heard people even use a baby wipes empty box. What you do is clip your coupons and store them in here. What you need is dividers that should stand, and that will separate the coupons. I've heard people loving this method, but I already have my own method, and its too much work for me to switch. Another bad thing about this method is that you have to thumb through each coupon.
*The Binder Method*